Osteology Everywhere: Pebble Edition

Yesterday afternoon I was staggering home from a nine-hour stint alone in the museum basement, when I was so struck by something I saw on the sidewalk that I went back to take another look. Now, to fill you in on my frame of mind lately, my days have been filled with things that look like this:

Opening a bag of loose dentition

So it comes as no surprise that I immediately noticed the following pebble.

See it yet?

This pebble is clearly a worn upper third molar, with an enormous and bulbous protocone.

Can you tell that I’m starting to go a little dentition crazy? TGIF and have a great weekend everybody!

Image Credits: All photographs were taken at the Museo de Jaén in summer 2014.

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2 Responses to Osteology Everywhere: Pebble Edition

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