Tag Archives: food

Osteology Everywhere: Madison Edition

I’ve spent the past week visiting Madison, Wisconsin, eating vast amounts of cheese curds, quaffing pints of New Glarus and Capital beer, and generally having a pretty outstanding time. However, despite the fact that I’ve been treating this trip as a vacation, osteology has … Continue reading

Posted in Osteology Everywhere, Skull, Travel | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Osteology Cakes

I’m currently living in a part of the world where the sun rises at 9:00 am, and sets at 5:00 pm. Given that I’m at approximately 51˚N, this is not cause for apocalyptic alarm but instead reflects the brevity of winter … Continue reading

Posted in Grad School, Osteology | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Huerta del Manco

“It’s called Huerta del Manco,” she said in Spanish. “You know what that means?” “Huerta, si.” I told her. I’d come across the word before while translating archaeological texts and it was always used to describe orchards, groves or other … Continue reading

Posted in Travel, Travel Essay | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments


In early August the city is a teeming stew of people. Coastline and latitude make for a heady mix of sea air and heavy humidity, and everyone is covered in a constant sheen of  sweat. Attempting to navigate the major … Continue reading

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[Explanatory Note: I’m going to be doing a lot of travelling in the next six months, and  I’ll occasionally post a travel essay that has nothing to do with osteology or bioarchaeology. These will be tagged under a new “Travel … Continue reading

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